expert witness and
Welcome to ORIENTASI, a company dedicated to naval architecture and maritime legal expert reports in Tarragona! Our firm merges technical experience with legal knowledge to offer comprehensive solutions in the maritime field. From maritime consulting and maritime project management to specialized expertise. Our philosophy is based on providing our clients with solid, reliable, technical assistance. Find out how we can help you and bring our experience in the yachting and maritime industry to your project.
Surveys and expert opinions
Pre-purchase report, damage expert report, condition, etc.
Expert opinions for courts and for parties in disputes, Expert witness, Help with drawing up contracts, Official and unofficial valuations.
naval ARCHITECTURE/Technical Office
Consultancy, Projects, Project management, Stability, Procedures with maritime authorities, Flagging, Technical advice.
Project management
Construction, Repairs, Refitting, Owner representation, Drawing up specifications.
Technical translations, marine corrosion, osmosis, composite materials, non-destructive examinations.